5 Surprising Teetotalers

Here is a list of well-known people who are now or were teetotalers (abstainers from alcohol).

1. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

(Born 1052) is the second president of the Russian Federation and current prime minister of Russia. During his presidency, he was credited to bring political stability to the country and helped Russia's economy bounced back from an economic crisis.

At the same time, his conduct in office has been questioned by foreign governments and human rights organizations for leading the Second Chechen War and encouraging rampant systemic corruption. This teetotaler seems most times emotionless. Do you think he fits the definition of a tyrannical villian?

Bill Tilghman
(1854-1924) was a lawman in the American Old West. He was a skilled buffalo hunter and (get this) also own a saloon simply for financial reasons.

Adolf Hitler
(1889-1945 )was an Austrian-born German politician and Leader of the national Socialist German Workers Party (commonly called the Nazi Party). He transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third reich, a single-party dictatorship based on totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. He aimed to establish a New Order in continental Europe. His poicies resulted in the systematic anihiliation of as much as 17 million civilians, including jews who were targeted in the Holocaust. At his defeat, he committed suicide.

Akon --
Born as Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam is a famous Senegalese American R&B recording artist and songwriter. He was accused of having three wives, but he claims to have six children with three different women. He owns a diamond mine in South Africa, but denies the existence of blood diamonds, yet the mine is dedicated to avoiding use of blood diamonds. As an artist he has been criticized for degrading women especially on stage.

John D. Rockefeller
(1639-1937) was an American oil magnate an philantropist. He had a long and controversal career in the oil indurstry.


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